
Thursday, 19 September 2013

As individuals, we all don't necessarily pay attention to the little details that surround us in our everyday surroundings and routines, normally it's perceived to be the norm, blank, dull and not worthy of contemplation as we continue this cycle of repetition day after day. However, if we just focused on these little details, the things we miss when we focus on the task of continuing this cycle of the everyday, the act of the everyday routine becomes humorous. Our interpretations are altered as to why we do what we feel is the norm. In this blog I will consider how the everyday is humorous by considering artists who capture quotidian humour, and also question as to why it appears to be humorous by looking at themes such as repetition, cycles and what is justified to be normal in the everyday. I will also consider how it can in some ways become controversial when we question our own cycle that gets ourselves through the drudgery of the everyday. Is quotidian humour something everyone can relate to or is it only relatable to people who live in a particular, modern day culture? 

1 comment:

  1. Good start Gemma! Think about ideas of repetition too?
